Sodium Hypochlorite

We are the No.1 North American manufacturer of industrial Bleach. Our reliable supply of Sodium Hypochlorite offers quality you need in concentrations from 5 percent to 25 percent, and is backed by the local customer support Only Olin can provide.

Do-It-Right Dilution

Prepare safe and effective dilute bleach solutions for cleaning and disinfecting hard surfaces.

Learn How

You Can Believe in a Better Bleach

For over a century, our customers have trusted us as the most dependable source of Sodium Hypochlorite. As experts in the production and application of Bleach products, we have the experience necessary to address your particular needs, for just about any application. Among the more popular end uses for our Bleach include:

  • Pulp and paper
  • Textiles
  • Chemical neutralization
  • Pigments and fillers
  • Synthesis of organic and inorganic chemicals
  • Water and wastewater treatment
  • Food processing
  • Ore and mineral processing