Even though pipelines are the safest means of transporting products, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, system leaks do occasionally occur. Leaks are most often caused by damage from digging. Here are a few ways in which you may get involved and help keep pipelines, underground utilities, and our communities safe:
- Before you dig, drill, or perform blasting near a pipeline, call 811 to get the exact location of any pipeline or underground utility. It’s free and it’s the law. Texas One Call states that you must call if you are digging 16” deep or deeper. Remember that many telecommunications such as phone, internet, and cable TV lines are often located just below the surface and can be cut very easily.
- Never try to locate a pipeline or underground utility with a backhoe, bulldozer, auger, pick, or any other piece of equipment. These are dangerous substitutes for specialized locating equipment.
- Although pipelines are patrolled, your diligence is also essential for keeping them safe.
- Even seemingly minor damage must be immediately reported to the pipeline operator. A gouge, scrape, dent, crease, or other damage to a pipe or to the pipe’s coating may one day result in a break or leak. It is very important that the pipeline operator evaluates the situation and, if necessary, repair any damage to the pipeline as quickly as possible.
- Report suspicious and unauthorized activities on and near Dow’s pipeline right-of-ways and give Dow a call if you see something out of the ordinary.
- One simple phone call to 811 may prevent a pipeline or underground utility accident from occurring. Please call 811 at least 48 hours in advance to get a location of pipelines and underground utilities in your area. Pipeline and utility representatives will come to your location and mark their lines for free.
For more information regarding 811 you can visit the website at www.call811.com
State One Call Center
Texas811 – (800) 344-8377
Or simply call 811